Hey everyone – Crunchie is back!
It’s been missing from our vending spirals for some time; but now, we’re delighted to announce that the iconic ‘Crunchie’ bar is coming back.
A golden honeycombed centre, surrounded by delicious Cadbury milk chocolate, Crunchie was first launched almost 90 years ago. It’s been a favourite with British consumers ever since. Now, after 16 years ‘in the wilderness’, Crunchie, with a brand-new wrapper design, is about to be ‘wall to wall’ on your both TV screens and on the MediaVend screens you see on many Broderick’s vending machines.
All in all, it’s a £6million advertising campaign, led by a whacky advert that aims to appeal to a new generation of fans . It uses state-of-the-art CGI wizardry to lend a contemporary slant to the well-know ‘Get That Friday Feeling’ slogan.
In the 30 second ad, a boring female pen-pusher in a boring beige suit is giving a boring speech to a bored audience when all of a sudden, in mid-speech, her mouth ‘takes on a life of its own.’
A brassy phantom voice bursts from her suddenly supersized lips saying ‘just look at ‘em. Let’s go crazy! Give me fun, give me flavour, give me crunch,’ and as the erstwhile hapless presenter bites into her Crunchie, all at once she turns into a charismatic superstar.
Nuria Antoja, Mondelēz International’s Marketing Manager, told us ‘we’re excited to be launching this new campaign to introduce Crunchie to a new generation of fans who may never have seen the original TV ads before and we’re delighted that the ad will be seen at point of sale on Broderick’s MediaVend screens.
It’s Crunchie’s first time on TV for 20 years – and you’ll see it on a MediaVend screen, on a vending machine near you, very soon. Watch out for it – and ‘get that Friday feeling’ any day of the week.
‘Let’s go crazy!’