At Broderick’s we’re big believers in the power of giving back to your staff. Not only does it make your business a happy place to work, looking after your staff can really pay dividends in terms of productivity and supporting your bottom line.
With inflation on the up and living costs skyrocketing it’s probably no surprise that lots of us are looking to kick our hot drink habit in favour of pinching the pennies. So, what if we told you that there is a way to offer your staff barista-quality coffee for a fraction of the high-street price? With Broderick’s you can fuel your workforce cost effectively, with special discounts, freebies and much more.
Us Brits love nothing more than coffee, in fact estimates have suggested that we drink between 11 and 13 a week. Now assume that all of those were bought rather than made at home and let’s say that an average coffee shop cup of coffee is around £3.40. We’re talking total spends of between £36.52 and £43.16 every week (1). That is a whopping £2,242 a year which to give you some context is easily enough for a holiday for two to Bali (or a hefty contribution to the rent, for the sensible)!
If you’re looking to help your staff make savings, then bringing in Broderick’s for the brews in your office is the answer. Catering for all the team’s taste – from latte-lovers to cappuccino aficionados, support your team’s hot drink habit for a fraction of the price and see loyalty repaid in spades!
1. Invest in the health of your staff
Nothing gets the creative juices flowing quite like a cup of coffee, but did you know that there are many more health benefits to drinking coffee? Putting your staff’s health and wellbeing at the top of the agenda is a worthwhile investment and will see you reap the rewards not only in reducing absenteeism and sick leave, but also by increasing productivity and profit.
Coffee has lots of health benefits from the obvious boosting energy levels, lifting mood, improving memory and metabolism to the not so obvious reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases and ultimately helping you live longer. When enjoyed in moderation coffee can have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of your staff and in turn, the profitability and reputation of your business.
2. Prioritise your team’s wellbeing
A Broderick’s vending machine also becomes a great place for staff to socialise and gather. You will find that there is a lot more cross-department mixing which in turn can greatly improve performance. Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the return to work it has been essential for employers to readdress ways of working. In order to better support your workforce, it’s vital that you encourage and facilitate socialising away from desks. These breaks can have big impacts. In fact, studies have shown that breaks can reduce or prevent stress, help to maintain performance throughout the day and reduce the need for a long recovery at the end of the day (2). By focusing on the overall wellbeing and happiness of your staff you can greatly improve productivity, recruitment and staff retention. A study carried out by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School has shown that happy workers are 13% more productive. The research showed that when workers were happier, they worked faster and more successfully (3). A cup of coffee can go a long way and has the potential to really make an impact on your office culture. A happy workforce is a force to be reckoned with.
3. Recognise and reward
Rewarding and recognising your employees leads to greater employee engagement and in turn can create a positive work culture. This can then go some way to improving recruitment, retention, productivity and of course performance. It’s in your best interest as employers to make sure you’re recognising and rewarding your staff. If it’s out of the question to raise salaries across the board in line with the increased cost of living, then you’re not alone. Whether you’re dealing with big or small budgets we guarantee that there is a Broderick’s solution that works for you.
Another way you can reward and recognise your staff is by downloading our Pay 4 Vend app which can also be built into your HR infrastructure. Had a great month of sales? Reward your team with a £5 credit on you.
Our retail sector clients are putting the app to work and making the most of its rewards and recognition potential! The Pay 4 Vend app allows users to save money and join in exciting competitions and promotions by buying from Broderick’s both at work and play.
Watch more about our simple coffee solution for your office here:
Want to find out more about how Broderick’s can help you give back to your staff? Contact sales@brodericks.co.uk!
3) https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2019-10-24-happy-workers-are-13-more-productive